Please note that all applications for inter-club challenge games should now be emailed to the new Munster email address set up specifically for inter - club challenge games.
Challenge Games Applications should be e-mailed to at least two days prior to the proposed challenge game.
It is also important to note that applications for sanction for inter - club Tournament games should be sent by the Post with the appropriate fee in accordance with Riall 6.38 T.O. 2009 to, Munster Council Sec. Aras Mumhan, Cnoc an Grúdan, An Réabóg, Luimneach.
Please see attached rule (Riall 6.39 T.O 2009) in respect of all inter club challenge games. As can be seen from this rule all clubs are required to seek sanction from the appropriate authority/ies at least two working days prior to scheduled game.
A number of points to note from this rule :
1: Clubs must seek sanction from relevant County Committee for games between two clubs from the same county.
2 : Clubs must seek sanction from relevant County committees and Provincial Council where the two competing teams are from two different counties within the same Province.
3: Clubs must seek sanction from relevant County committees and Provincial Councils and Central Council where the two competing teams are from different Provinces.
It is also important to note that this application for sanction must include the following :
A : Name and Grade of competing teams.
B : The venue.
C : The name of the referee (who must be on the current recognised List of Referees, at County/Provincial/ National levels as appropriate).
Is Mise le meas,
Pádraig Mac Gearailt
C.E.O./ Runaí Comhairle na Mumhan CLG
Rule 6.39 Challenge Games
(a) All challenge games shall be sanctioned by the appropriate controlling authority, which will deal with any disciplinary matters arising.
(b) An Inter-County challenge game shall be sanctioned by a Provincial Council(s) and Central Council as appropriate.
Sanction must be obtained from the Provincial Council where teams are from the one Province and from the appropriate Provincial Councils and Central Council where teams are from more than one Province.
After the conclusion of a National Hurling or Football League, an Inter-County Challenge Game in that code may not be played on a Saturday or Sunday unless a Round of Adult Club Games is played in the Counties involved on the preceding Monday to Saturday inclusive, or is to be played on the Sunday i.e. the day after a Saturday Challenge Game.
Permission for such proposed Challenge Games shall be refused by the Sanctioning Body unless it is satisfied that the condition above has been met, but special permission may be given in exceptional cases (e.g. for the Official Opening of a Ground).
(c) An Inter-Club Challenge Game shall be sanctioned by County Committee(s), Provincial Council(s) or Central Council. Sanction must be obtained from the County Committee where the teams are from the one County, from the County Committees and from the Provincial Council where the teams are from two or more Counties, and Sanction must be obtained from the County Committees, from the appropriate Provincial Councils and from Central Council where the teams are from more than one Province.
(d) Units organising Challenge Games shall make applications, in writing, to the appropriate authority/authorities in such time as to have permission granted or otherwise, two days prior to the date of the proposed game. The Council or Committee-in-Charge may give authority to its Secretary to grant permission.
Where sanction is required from more than one Unit of the Association for a particular Challenge Game, notice shall be given by the Applicant Units, at or about the same time, directly to all relevant Units.
(e) The following details shall be included within the application: The Names of the Competing Teams; the Venue; the Name of the Referee, who shall be on the current and recognised List of Referees, at County/Provincial/National Levels, as appropriate.
The Referee shall be neutral in the case of Senior Inter-County Game.
(f) The Referees Match Report shall be submitted to the appropriate authority within three days of the Game. When the Committee or Council-in-Charge deems it necessary, the Report shall be submitted within 24 hours.
(g) The above Rules are applicable to Juvenile Challenge games (players in the Under 16 age group or younger). Failure to comply with any of the above Rule provisions shall not affect Disciplinary Proceedings being taken, arising from a Game played.
Penalties For a Unit participating in an unauthorised Challenge Game
Fine - County €250; Club €100.
(6) Challenge Games / Tournaments
All tournaments or challenge matches, shall be governed by and must be carried out in accordance with the
General Rules of the Association (Code 14).
All requests for any challenge games involving teams at any grade above Minor level are to be submitted by the
Club Secretary two days in advance of the fixture via the online portal
challenge- game-application-form/. Permission is automatically granted by the relevant CCC unless informed
otherwise. Where the fixture involves teams involved in Divisional competitions, the respective Divisional
committees will be notified of the request.
All applications for Tournaments and for matches for a prize or trophies, giving names of teams and particulars of
draw and trophies, must be accompanied by a permit fee, (Inter- County €40, Inter Club €20) and submitted
through the Secretary of an affiliated Club with the approval of Divisional Secretary of the area in which the
Tournament or match is to take place.
No tournament match shall take place unless prior sanction has been obtained for date and venue. Club
Tournaments shall be confined to a maximum of eight teams and Inter-County Tournaments to four teams, except
as otherwise permitted by the Provincial or Central Council. All applications for friendly or challenge matches
must be submitted in writing by Club Secretaries concerned stating teams, date, and venue.
Referees of Tournament matches must forward their reports of same to County Committee or Divisional
Committee, as well as a copy to Tournament Committees, and all objections against Clubs in Tournaments must
likewise be lodged with County Committee or Divisional Committee, as appropriate.